Beefledger is a blockchain-enabled beef provenance platform designed to combat fake steak and protect Australian product in overseas markets. BeefLegends (BL) is its 3C designed community engagement component.

In linking the commercial outcomes to social ones, this 3C project:

  • communicated Beefledger to the community of production in Australia’s Limestone Coast

  • helped to build capacity in the local community

  • enabled high school students to develop content in various forms (Videos/Tiktok etc) that connected the two ends of the supply chain: producers at one end, consumers at the other.

The diagram on the right shows how digital stories created by STEM students under professional guidance can be blended with Blockchain data. This is then added to the credentialed (smart) packaging for scanning by the consumer.

In awarding BL an honour in the Good Design Australia Awards 2020, the jury commented:

BeefLegends embodies positive innovation connecting two ends of the supply chain for mutual benefit for the first time. It's exciting to see a truly transdisciplinary approach bringing together technical expertise in blockchain and smart contract development; legal expertise in international trade, policy and governance, and humanities expertise in food provenance and consumer culture. (Good Design Australia, 2020)

Mount Gambier High School Students interview Chef Shu as part of their digital storytelling project.

Mount Gambier High School Students interview Chef Shu as part of their digital storytelling project.

Supply chain diagram. Design by David Mills.